I had a pretty busy week last week, so I didn’t really get to post at all, but I thought I would sort of do a dump of some things that I’ve been meaning to post about.

First off, a couple of weeks ago, was the Stumptown Comics Fest, at which I did a lecture on Pacing & Rhythm in Comics. I was pretty nervous and kicking myself for not picking an easier topic the day before while I got the presentation together. The reason I was kicking myself was because I kept wishing I picked a topic a little less abstract, and a little easier to make concrete. Anyhow, I really have a passion for the subject, and in the end, I think that helped me get it done.
I was pretty nervous until I hopped up on stage, when my teacher instincts took over. Anyhow, the lecture went really well – it was standing room only, people seemed engaged, and there were questions asked. Good times.
Since I’m looking to get back into teaching, I was thinking of making a section on the website for resources for educator and librarians for teaching comics. I’ll probably record and post a version of the lecture up there. I’ll keep you updated.
Also, here’s an illustration I did for the WW last week. You can read the article here.

Also, the initial pitch for the Searchers got turned down. It got me pretty bummed out for a little but, but I’m not discouraged. I still feel like I have something there that should be fun to read, fun for me to draw, and very personal. I think it does mean that I’m probably gonna slow down the production on it for a bit to work on some other things at the moment.
Oh, and one more thing: THERE IS ONE LAST DAY TO BID ON ARTWORK FOR THE AUCTION FOR THE WSD! There are still lots of good pieces that don’t have any bids on them. Go bid on some of those pieces right now!