I finished my one-page comic for Tugboat Press’ Free Comic Book Day book for 2012 this week. Here’s a little teaser:
Have a good weekend!
I finished my one-page comic for Tugboat Press’ Free Comic Book Day book for 2012 this week. Here’s a little teaser:
Have a good weekend!
I have some great news to share!
I’m teaching a comics class at the Oregon College of Arts and Craft here in Portland this spring! It’s called Crafting Comics: Narrative & Technique.
It’s basically an intro to comics.
Anyhow, I’m super-stoked. I have always wanted to teach comics, but I thought that it would be important to have some actual experience under my belt. Now that Americus is out, and I’ve been freelancing here and there the last couple years, I feel like I have a lot of experience and knowledge to share anyone willing to learn.
Here’s the link to the Continuing Education page of their website: https://cms.ocac.edu/
And here’s a link specifically for the drawing & painting classes: https://cms.ocac.edu/taxonomy/term/3
Please help spread the word! I need at least 5 people or the class doesn’t happen!
Also, if you have any questions about the class, you can e-mail me at jonathan@oneofthejohns.com or leave a comment here on the site and I’ll get back to you!
A tiny thing that stresses me out: Thank you cards. I always feel like I should make a new one every time I want to send one out, but it’s always a much longer project than I think it will be, or I just get lazy and don’t make it and then don’t send it out. I always feel super-lame buying them, because I’m picky and it feels impersonal and then I always think to myself, ‘Why would I pay for that crap when I could just make them!’
Can you see my dilemma?
Year after year, I think to myself – I should just design a thank you card and then print them up so I always have them on hand. It’s the best of both worlds – it’s more personal than buying them, but without the hassle of having to make a new one each time.
Anyhow, I did a set of four for the great people at First Second to wish them a happy holidays and thanks for all of the work they put into making Americus. They’re all Apathea based.
Here are the other three:
I decided that I’ll print the Liskot one at the top of this post and use that for my thank you cards for the coming year. I love that lizard man!
And if you haven’t noticed, things have been really quiet – no posts, no Diary of a Space Marine, etc. There’s a couple of reasons for that. If you like reading about excuses, read more after the cut!
Here’s a commission I did for someone that was reading the Americus blog. She wanted some image that had both Doctor Who and the new Sherlock in it.
As always, I struggle with spotting blacks and giving things a sense of form. I think this is a good example of how even just doing the simple shapes of color in Diary of a Space Marine help out with that. I wish I didn’t have to rely on the computer. Oh, well. There’s always something to be working on, right?
Also: If you live in Portland and are interested, I am teaching a cartooning class this Sunday at the Woodstock Library on SE 49th Ave from 2-3! You can click on the link in the sidebar to the right to register or get more info.
I did an illustration for the Willamette Week this week to accompany an article on Occupy Portland. It’s a map of where things are in the camp. Anyhow, here’s a picture from the paper, because it looks better in print, even though some of the textures and details got lost a bit, than just posting the image.
You can read the article here.
I also have some pretty big news to share that I don’t think I’ve mentioned here, but I’ll wait until next week. There should be another Diary of a Space Marine on Friday, too!
So I’ve been dying to draw some comics, and since my next big project is still in the writing/thumbnails stage and will be for awhile, I thought that I would do a side project. It’s called Diary of A Space Marine. Here’s the first one:
I know, I know. It’s pretty dumb. I felt a little crazy working on because the whole time I was thinking to myself, ‘You should be working on something important! Promotional stuff! Looking for an agent! Writing and thumbnailing! Etc!’. Then I figured it’s better to be drawing something dumb than not drawing anything at all.
I’m hoping to get one of these done every week, so don’t forget to check back!
I love autumn. You get to wear sweaters and hats, the leaves change, and best off all: pumpkin milkshakes at Burgerville! Anyhow, one of my goals this week was to sit down and do a postcard image to do some self-promotion, but I ended up doing this illustration to celebrate autumn instead.
Next week: Postcard! For real!
Ah! Things have been really quiet here the last month or so, but not because I haven’t been busy! A bunch of Americus events have been going on back to back and I haven’t really had a lot of downtime in between. So I’m going to take some time now to catch everyone up and let you know how the events went.
Note: Since I’m catching up on like a month of stuff, the post is pretty long.