Emerald City!

So I’m heading to Seattle for the Emerald City Comic Con tomorrow! Honestly, I don’t really know what to expect. Tyler and I went to the first year we moved here, and it was kind of lame. Mainly just mainstream comics and large vendors. I did get a portfolio review by some big hot-shot at DC at the time. Bob Shrek maybe? I can’t remember. Anyhow, it was a long time ago, and most of the people I talk to now talk about how great of a con it is. We’ll see.

I won’t really have anything new, but I have something old that is kind of new – I reprinted the Lorian Gendarme Guidebook for Adventuring Standards, but took the time to put some love into the reprints. And by love, I mean gold silkscreened covers!

They really helped sell copies of Americus at SPX, which I will also have on hand, along with some mini-comics, and an assortment of prints and original art. I’ll try to have some new posters or prints for Stumptown at the end of April.

I’ll be in Artist Alley with the totally rad Breena Wiederhoeft at table E-16. If you’re in Seattle, come by the show and say hi!

Oh, yeah – my class finished last week. I have been getting ready for ECCC, but I would like to write a recap of the class and how it went sometime next week.

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