Hey-oh! oneofthejohns.com 2.0 is up and running! Thanks for stopping by.
The biggest difference is that I’ve finally stepped into the 21st Century & have based 2.0 in WordPress, so that I can have my own blog and be posting & updating the site regularly with relative ease. I’ve also made small changes to the way the website is structured, breaking my portfolio up into different section. I’ve also included little blurbs by most of the art for some context if that interests anyone. I’ve also updated some new illustrations and some older comics that you might not have seen [including the beginning of the quickly derailed One of the Johns graphic novel].
And as always, thanks to Jason for all the websmithing help.
Things are at about 95% [the Misc Artstuff & Projects are unfinished], but if you see anything you notice that isn’t working or have any suggestions, please let me know. And keep checking back! I’ll be posting here regularly.
Looks great, Jonathan! It “pops” much better than before.
Thanks, Mike! I think so, too.